Over the past 26 years the Joe Hogan Memorial Golf Tournament has come a long way from its modest beginnings of 90 participants to today where we have over 440 participants. During this time we have raised over $1.2 Million dollars for the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation. These funds go towards the purchase of; Chemo pumps, MRI machines, CT scans, Prostate Brachy Equipment, The Men’s Comprehensive Health Program and research funding. The day of the event is dedicated to educating & raising awareness as to the importance of research and providing proper equipment for early detection and diagnosis of cancer.
Our father always kept close to his heart children, and the ability to provide them with opportunities when needed. In conjunction with our affiliates, we are able to continue on the dream of our father, providing opportunities for children to be involved in sport and group activity without question of affordability. We will also be awarding scholarships for post secondary applicants with families struggling thru the fight with Cancer.